Links to Sport Organizations and Information
Esteem Team - The ESTEEM Team is a national not-for-profit organization with one goal – Athletes inspiring & educating youth to reach their full potential. Their vision is to inspire young people to have the courage to achieve what they want to do in life. ESTEEM Team Athletes are real life people who have experienced many of the same challenges youth are facing. They spark imagination, excitement and share the lessons of life learned on the playing field.
Ontario Aboriginal Sport Circle - The Ontario Aboriginal Sport Circle is a non-profit organization that represents the Aboriginal community interests in sport and recreation by providing support and creating activities and events while building positive partnerships.
Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance - The CSTA leverages its expertise and leadership as a catalyst to grow the $2 billion a year sport tourism industry in Canada, promoting the development of partnerships between events rights holders and host cities. Other activities of the CSTA include sharing best practices, measuring the economic impact of sport events and enhancing the profile of sport tourism.
Festivals and Events Ontario - FEO provides festival and event organizers across the province with a networking forum offering professional development opportunities and resources aimed to encourage professionalism and excellence in the delivery of festivals and special events.
Sport Canada Funding Programs - Funding may be available through the Project Stream component of the Sport Support Program, as well as the Hosting Program.
National Risk Management Committee – Kinette & Kinsmen Clubs - Good resource document to help identify key aspects of risk and liability concerns for events.
Sport and Law Strategy Group - Articles for Risk Management, Liability, Employment Contracts, PIPEDA and other topical issues.
Sports Can Insurance Consultants - Sporting Event Insurance Providers
Volunteer Canada - Support organization for volunteer concerns
Burke/Oliver Consultants Ltd. - Facilities planning and development consultants with resource documents.
The Canadian Marketing Association - Articles and references for marketing and promotion ideas.
Edmonton Sports Council Resources - well established Community Sport Council with articles on Fundraising, Volunteers and Facilities.
Non-Profit Genie (US) - Guide to non-profit organizations and resources
New South Wales Sport and Recreation (Australia) - Repository of resources on Fundraising, Grants, Marketing, Planning, Risk, Sponsors and Volunteers.
Nottingham City – East Midlands Sports (UK) - Sport Development planning, performance management resources.
Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Network (UK) - Course notes and presentations on Sport Tourism.
Altis: The Guide to Internet Resources in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism (UK) - links to worldwide sport tourism destinations with references and resources included.
Canadian Tourism Commission - free membership required. Contains resources on Tourism statistics, Consumer Behaviour, Branding, and other related topics.
Sport Travel Maps - website with maps of hotels and sports facilities in most Canadian cities.
Links to some U.S. Sports Councils
Colorado Springs Sports Corporation
D.C. Sports and Entertainment Commission
Greater Cincinnati Sports Corporation
Greater Cleveland Sports Commission
Greater Kansas City Sports Commissions and Foundation
Greater New Orleans Sports Foundation
National Association of Sports Commissions
New York City Sports Commission
Portland Oregon Sports Authority
San Diego International Sports Council